How I fell in love with Change Management

I have worked in technology for a number of years and over these years had the privilege of working on a wide range of projects. However over time I noticed that the focus of these projects was on delivering on budget and on time but frequently without considering the users. The solutions were always technically sound but the delivery forgot about those who would be impacted. 

This realisation led me on a journey of discovery which would eventually lead me to fall in love with Change Management.

Change Management as a discipline focuses on the people side of change. It considers the impact on an individual, an organisation or a community and works to lead those impacted through a journey to ensure the change is well received and adopted.

I realised Change Management was the missing piece of the puzzle in many previous projects. 

I love that Change Management keeps the users central to the project and not only helps users along the process but also improves the outcomes of a project and retention of staff long-term. Change Management impacts the project, company culture and also employee satisfaction.

In my projects since this realisation, it has been a joy to see users grateful for the transparency from the organisation before they are met with the change, outcomes achieved 6 fold over expectation, staff feeling supported and wanting to stay and so much more. Change management has such a wider impact than just a single project.

Now that I have found my love, I can’t think of anything else I would rather be doing!


Authentic Leadership in Change Management